使用 Yahoo! 提供的 YUI Compressor 來壓縮(Minify) JavaScript 和 CSS.
註: 此文件操作環境於 Ubuntu / Debian Linux.
- 官方網頁: YUI Compressor - YUI Compressor - The Yahoo! JavaScript and CSS Compressor
- 說明文件: YUI Compressor README
- 安裝 Java 執行環境: apt-get install sun-java6-jre
- 下載 yuicompressor-2.4.2.zip
- unzip yuicompressor-2.4.2.zip
壓縮 JavaScript
- java -jar yuicompressor-x.y.z.jar myfile.js -o myfile-min.js --charset utf-8 --type js
壓縮 CSS
- java -jar yuicompressor-x.y.z.jar myfile.css -o myfile-min.css --charset utf-8 --type css
- # 不用輸入 --type js / css, yuicompressor 依照檔名也會自動判斷.
- java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar myfile.js -o myfile-min.js --charset utf-8 --preserve-semi # 保留分號(--preserve-semi)
- java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar myfile.css -o myfile-min.css --charset utf-8
Usage: java -jar yuicompressor-x.y.z.jar [options] [input file]
Global Options
-h, --help Displays this information
--type <js|css> Specifies the type of the input file
--charset <charset> Read the input file using <charset>
--line-break <column> Insert a line break after the specified column number
-v, --verbose Display informational messages and warnings
-o <file> Place the output into <file>. Defaults to stdout.
JavaScript Options
--nomunge Minify only, do not obfuscate
--preserve-semi Preserve all semicolons
--disable-optimizations Disable all micro optimizations