在SAP系统中,Down payment(预收/预付款)属于special G/L。使用这种功功能,可以让系统记录供货商/客户的未结账项(open item),收款或付款时通过特别指示码,即可将down payment项包括在其中。
Step 1 –用Tcode:OBYR进入设置界面
Step 2 -设置指示码A的科目对应
选择SGL Ind. A为指示码。如果默认名称各描述不符合需要,用菜单[Edit]→[Change Name]进行修改。
双击这一行,输入科目表(Chart of Accoutns, COA)进入下一界面
Step 3 –指定统驭科目所对应的特别总账科目。如本例设置:301010(应付账款)所对应的特别总账科目为208010(预付账款)
Step 4 –用同样的方法设置指示码为F的科目对应
1)创建预付款申请(T-code: F-47)。刚才配置指示码F的科目对应目的也就在此。
2)用T-code: F-48预付款,设置指示码A的科目对应才可进行处理。预付款产生的会计分录为
3)用F-54结清down payment,系统产生的会计分录为
4)如果不专门结清,用F-53付款后,down payment也会结清。注意:应选中特别指示码A。
5)用FBL1N查看供货商明细项时,选中Special G/L Transactions,即可包括预付款。选中Noted items,即可包括预付款申请。
6)客户down payment的设置和使用大体相同。相关T-code如下:
F-37 Down payment request
F-29 Down payment
F-39 Down payment clearing
Down payments made following down payment request In this process you create a purchase order in Materials Management, that is then filled upon receipt of a down payment. Once goods receipt is posted, you create the invoice in Materials Management invoice verification. Clearing with respect to goods received and goods invoiced is performed automatically.
Because you have already made a down payment, the down payment must be cleared in terms of the invoice amount. Then you make the final payment.
To simplify matters, the down payment request is set for today’s date, just a short time after the purchase order. The down payment occurs on the same day. The invoice is entered with a date ten days from today’s date, and is paid immediately.
Process Flow Select
- Entering the Purchase Order
- Entering the Down Payment Request
- Displaying the Vendor Account
- Posting the Down Payment
- Displaying a Purchase Order
- Displaying the Vendor Account
- Processing the Goods Receipt for the Purchase Order
- Posting an Incoming Invoice in Materials Management
- Clearing/Reversing a Down Payment
- Displaying the Vendor Account
- Displaying a Purchase Order
- Posting the Final Payment
- Displaying the Vendor Account
作者:Stone Wang Email: stone0823@126.com
http://bbs.sapclub.net SAP 中文社区
Down Payment的配置
在SAP系统中,Down payment(预收/预付款)属于special G/L。使用这种功功能的好处是可以让down payment明细与供货商或客户关联。比如在计算供货商余额时,可以选择是否包括预付款。在对供货商付款时,也可选择是否包含预付款。普通科目自然没有这种功能了。由于供货商和客户down payment的配置基本类似,我们先以供货商down payment为例。
一. 设置相关总账科目
1. 208010 – Down payment made
2. 208090 – Down payment Request – AP
这两个科目都需设为reconciliation account,类别为Vendor。(以下為FS00界面)
(FS00: Account 208010)
二. 配置特殊指示符F, A对应的会计科目
Menu Path
IMG → Financial Accounting (new) → Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Down Payment Made → Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments
T-code : OBYR
Configuration Steps
1. 用OBYR進入下面界面
2. 双击SGL Ind.为A的第一行,设置指示符A对应的会计科目.(SGL Ind – Special G/L Indicator) 301010(应付账款)对应的Special G/L Account为208010(Down payment made)。注意:A表示Down payment.
3. 回到第一步界面,双击SGL Ind.为F所在行,设置指示符F对应的会计科目。我們設置301010(应付账款)对应的Special G/L Account为208090(Down payment Request - AP)。注意F表示Down payment request.
客户Down payment的配置与此类似,仅提供menu path及t-code。
Menu Path
IMG → Financial Accounting (new) → Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Down Payment Received → Define Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down Payments
T-code : OBXR